Tonko Mining Company, Inc.



Environmentally Sensitive

Precious Metal and Gemstone

Mining and Development

Research Suggests Devonian Extinction Link

Tonko Mining Company was founded in an effort to promote the research and development of our valuable and scientifically important assets.  Presently, this is a small “mom and pop” type of operation that puts environmental concerns at the forefront of all endeavors.

Our discovery of the Gunnison Meteorite Crater was supported, in part, by the documentation of the unique gemstone Gunnison Crater Tektite formed naturally in the crater’s center.  Some specimens contain metal inclusions that are understood to be remnants of the asteroid / comet that created the Gunnison Crater hundreds of millions of years ago!

Heirloom Collector’s specimen selection now available.  Please see our new Product List.

Copyright © 2006-2016

by Johnny F. Tonko

All Rights Reserved

For more information

please contact us at:

NEWS BROKEN BY LOCAL PRESS…story can be read at;



Photo by Johnny F. Tonko
Copyright 2009-2016Photo by Johnny F. Tonko
Copyright 2009-2016Photo by Johnny F. Tonko
Copyright 2009-2016Photo by Johnny F. Tonko
Copyright 2009-2016


Meteorite Crater Mining and Research

Diamonds, Precious and Base Metals Mining and Prospecting